hat is considered original, and what rights does the designer of a work have? Copyright applies not only to the texts of books but also to various works such as paintings, photographs, sculptures, films, and even everyday objects like glasses and chairs. For designers, copyright is therefore of great importance. In this course, you will learn what can be protected by copyright and what the conditions for protection are.
We place copyright within the broader context of intellectual property rights, and you will learn about the various economic rights and moral rights of an author.
We will also cover the basic principles of (font) licenses. Soon, you’ll know how to read and use licenses in your own practice.
This class is part of the one-year Typography & Book course, but it can also be taken separately.
Tuition Fee: € 105.
Discounts are available if you combine multiple short courses within the same year.
Vrijdagmarkt 22
2000 Antwerp
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