ladimir Ivaneanu (1977) is the son of a Flemish mother and a Romanian father. He studied Free Graphics at WENK, Sint-Lucas Department in Ghent, where he discovered his passion for woodcuts—a craft he continues to develop.

Immediately after his studies, Vladimir began working as a visual artist, as well as a set designer and builder in both the film and theater industries, and as a teacher at Artevelde University of Applied Sciences in Ghent. In 1999, he was invited as an artist-in-residence at Bayer in Leverkusen, Germany, and in 2008 at KAUS in Urbino, Italy. In 2007, he was selected for the Nagasawa Art Park Project in Japan, where he immersed himself in the fascinating world of Japanese woodcuts. Additionally, he has participated in numerous national and international exhibitions and competitions.

Since 2010, Vladimir has been teaching Free Graphics at the Academy of Fine Arts DKO Ghent. In this studio, which specializes in non-toxic graphics, he emphasizes sharing his knowledge of Western and Japanese woodcut techniques.

Vladimir Ivaneanu


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