or many years, the Plantin Institute of Typography has had a friends’ association called Plantinia. All our alumni, faculty, and supporters are welcome to join and, through their membership fees, make a valuable contribution to the preservation and further development of the Plantin Institute.

This year, we continue to pursue our mission, including a completely renewed, one-year, practice-oriented program: Typography & Book. All courses within this program can now also be taken separately as short courses.

Further updating the curriculum and developing a new website, including a webshop, require significant resources. That’s why we kindly ask if you would like to contribute to the renewed Plantin Institute of Typography.

We believe it is important to stay connected with those who support us. We keep all Plantinia friends informed about our activities and invite them to participate in the academic session, study visits, and more.
In January 2025, we will launch a bookshop where duplicate copies from our library will be sold, and Plantinia members will have first choice.
Additionally, PlantinGenoten may attend half a day of the one-year program for free.

Two formulas

  • For €40 per year, you become a PlantinGezel and receive invitations to the academic session and study visits.
  • For €200 per year, you become a PlantinGenoot. In addition to the benefits of PlantinGezellen, you may attend one half-day session of the Saturday program for free.

We kindly ask you to transfer your payment to IBAN: BE04 4098 5623 7131, mentioning: donation 2025, your name, and your email address.

Binnentuin Museum Plantin-Moretus, juni 2022
Reception in the inner garden of the Plantin-Moretus Museum.


  • Open Day, with information sessions about our programs, on February 15, March 15, May 17, and June 21, 2025.
  • Saturday, May 10: Study visit. Program to be determined.
  • From July 8 to September 7, 2025: In Plantin’s Footsteps – an exhibition showcasing the graduation projects of 38 students.
    We offer a special guided tour on July 11 and 12.
  • Sunday, September 21: Academic session, featuring the diploma ceremony, a festive reception, and an exclusive guest lecture.
Visit to the workshop of Patrick Goossens in Wilrijk.