Get to know us better. Come to the Open Day.

Are you active as a graphic designer, but would you like to develop further into books, newspapers and magazines? Or do you work as an editor or publisher and would you like to gain more insight into the design process?

The Plantin Institute of Typography offers postgraduate-level courses on Saturdays. The one-year Typography & Book program focuses on solid, historically grounded book design. The courses combine theory and practice, covering topics ranging from micro- to macrotypography and from book history to web design. Each subject can also be taken separately as a short course.

The Expert Course Type Design (online edition) is held on Fridays. The academic year starts in October with four consecutive in-person class days in Antwerp, where the entire group gathers. All subsequent lessons are conducted online. This format is particularly appealing to international students, attracting enrollments from all over the world. Please note: A maximum of 16 students can enroll, and interest is high.

We are hosting our Open Day on Saturday, February 15. There will be one session at 1 PM, conducted in Dutch. Students currently enrolled in the Typography & Book program will also be present.

You can also join the sessions via Zoom. Afterwards (or beforehand), you can visit the museum.

For the Expert Course Type Design, there will be an additional Open Day (in English) on Saturday, March 15, at 2 PM.

Next dates: May 17th and June 21st

Do these dates not work for you? We’re happy to arrange a one-on-one session, either in person or via Zoom. Contact us!

Alex Feenstra
One year program Typography & Book


Interested? Register by sending an email to, and we will schedule an appointment with you.